Host Your Website for Free on Firebase: A Step-by-Step Guide

5 min readJan 30, 2023


Maximize Your Online Presence with Firebase’s Easy and Free Hosting Solution

Are you looking for an easy and free way to host your website? Look no further than Firebase! In this blog, we will guide you through the process of hosting your website for free on Firebase. With its simple user interface and reliable hosting capabilities, Firebase is the perfect solution for anyone looking to establish an online presence. Whether you are a small business owner, a freelancer, or just starting out with your first website, Firebase has everything you need to get up and running. So, let’s get started!

Either your project is made in react or plain html css and javascript, firebase can host all you sites

Step 1:

Go to

Login to your firebase account

Click on Get Started or Go to console

Step 2:

Click on Add Project icon

Step 3:

Give a name to your project and click the checkboxes and click continue

After that click continue again

Step 4:

Check the checkboxes and select your region for google analytics (you only have to do it once) and accept the terms and conditions

Click on create project!

After that it would start creating the project for you and would take couple of seconds for it to finish

Click on continue

Step 5:

Once the project is done creating you’ll be redirected to your project

Click on the web icon so we can add an app

Step 6:

Type a name for your project and don’t forget to tick “Also set up Firebase Hosting for this app.” and after that click on register app

Step 7:

Open your code editor and in the terminal paste this command:

npm install firebase

Click on next in your firebase:

Step 8:

Now, Lets install the firebase cli tools so we can use it from the termina

Copy the command and paste it inside your terminal

Once you are finished installing it click on next

Step 9:

Now, Lets deploy our app on firebase!

So the first step is to login to your firebase

For that paste the following code in your terminal:

firebase login

Once you login, the next step is to initialize our app

For that paste the following code in your terminal:

firebase init

Use your arrow keys to navigate and get the arrow/blue highlighter to:

After that press space in your keyboard and press enter after that

Now select your firebase account and press enter

Then select and press enter:

Now select your project from the list and press enter

After that select the your project is not a simple page project and say no to rewrite index.html

Create a folder named public and move all of your code inside it

It would create a 404.html file

Press enter and finish initializing your app

Step 10:

The last step is to deploy your app to firebase!

Simply type this command in your terminal and press enter:

firebase deploy

It would start deploying your app and take some time according to the size of your project

Once its finished deploying go to the hosting url and wallah! your app is live online!

And there you have it folks! The complete guide on how to host your website for free on Firebase. Now that you have the power of Firebase in your hands, you can say goodbye to the days of overpriced and unreliable hosting. No more dealing with complicated technical jargon or navigating a confusing user interface. With Firebase, hosting your website has never been easier, or more fun! Just imagine, you’ll have more time to perfect your funny cat videos, or finally start that dance-off YouTube channel you’ve been dreaming about. So, go ahead, light that Firebase and let your online presence soar! And if you still need a little help, remember, we’re here for you. Happy hosting and happy internetting!

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Also do check my other blogs!

Keywords: Firebase, host website, free, affordable, user-friendly, powerful, hosting solution, online presence, small business, freelancer, easy, reliable, user interface, technical jargon, navigate, funny cat videos, dance-off YouTube channel, light, soar, internetting.




I'm Zeyan Ramzan, a programmer sharing tutorials & tips on coding. Join me in demystifying the world of programming & improving our skills together.